[R] Overlying a map on top of an image [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Augusto.Sanabria at ga.gov.au
Augusto.Sanabria at ga.gov.au
Fri Mar 27 03:37:05 CET 2009
Good day everyone,
I have a *.jpeg map and I want to display it
on top of an existing image (created using 'image'),
Is there an easy way to do it?
"map" does the job but only with pre-existing maps
(from its database) not with my map.
I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter.
Augusto Sanabria. MSc, PhD.
Mathematical Modeller
Risk & Impact Analysis Group
Geospatial & Earth Monitoring Division
Geoscience Australia (www.ga.gov.au)
Cnr. Jerrabomberra Av. & Hindmarsh Dr.
Symonston ACT 2601
Ph. (02) 6249-9155
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