[R] same value in column-->delete

Duijvesteijn, Naomi Naomi.Duijvesteijn at ipg.nl
Thu Mar 26 12:15:34 CET 2009

   Hi Readers,

   I have a question.

   I have a large dataset and want to throw away columns that have the same
   value in the column itself and I want to know which column this was.

   For example

   > x<-data.frame(id=c(1,2,3), snp1=c("A","G",

   > x

     id snp1 snp2 snp3

   1  1    A    G    G

   2  2    G    G    G

   3  3    G    G    A

   Now I want to know that snp2 in monomorphic (the same value for the column)
   and after I know which column it is I want to take these columns out.



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