[R] multiple paired t-tests

Dan Kortschak dan.kortschak at adelaide.edu.au
Wed Mar 25 10:26:44 CET 2009

I'm not really looking for a needle in a haystack, there are a small
number of the 60 tests (about 20) that are likely to concord with other
experiments I have, and in a particular pattern. Since I already have
the data in tables for graphic depiction, I was hoping to have a
reasonably easy way to find whether this way the case. It seems so.

So it's not a matter of finding a needle in a haystack, but more finding
a patch of embroidery that I know the pattern of. It still might be a
woven bit of hay, but it's not as likely.


On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 10:04 +0100, Eik Vettorazzi wrote:
> so you want to find a needle in a haystack, not an easy task. You should 
> account for multiple tests, which is as far as I can see not done in the 
> code yet - or you have to accept that you find a bunch of hay which 
> accidentally looks pretty much like a needle.
> There are some solutions in doing such things for instance finding 
> relevant SNPs in microarray data. Maybe your task is quite similar.
> Eik

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