[R] install.package("TinnR") - there is no package called 'TinnR' (RESOLVED)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue Mar 24 14:19:51 CET 2009

On 3/24/2009 8:55 AM, Martin Tomko wrote:
> Hi Duncan,
> it is Win Xp with the 2.6.0 R-project version. Sorry, I should have 
> included this before.
> Installing the TinnR package manually from a local zip file downloaded 
> from CRAN helped. I am still not sure why the package was not picked in 
> the repositories. Can anyone please see if the package is visible to 
> other under install packages in any repository?

Your version of R is too old.  TinnR was last updated in February this 
year and claims to support 2.6.0, but CRAN no longer builds binaries for 
2.6.x.  (Version 2.6.0 became obsolete in November 2007 when 2.6.1 was 
released, and binaries for the 2.6.x series stopped being built sometime 
last year.)

If you are set up for installing from source, you could try downloading 
the source package


and running

Rcmd INSTALL TinnR_1.0.3.tar.gz

but it is probably easier to update your R to the current release.

Duncan Murdoch

> Thanks
> Martin
> Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 3/24/2009 7:05 AM, Martin Tomko wrote:
>>> I have troubles make TinnR work, it seems that the dependency 
>>> on the package TinnR that cannot be found (I tried also manual 
>>> downloads, but I cannot find the package anywhere on any CRAN mirror).
>> What R version are you using, on what platform?  I have no trouble 
>> with an automatic install of the TinnR package into 2.8.1 on Windows.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>> I even set a default cran mirror in the Rprofile.site file, so that 
>>> the later command can find it:
>>> # check necesary packages
>>> necessary = c('TinnR', 'svSocket')
>>> installed = necessary %in% installed.packages()[, 'Package']
>>> if (length(necessary[!installed]) >=1)
>>> install.packages(necessary[!installed], dep=T).
>>> No luck. Even manually issuing the comand in Rterm fails, package 
>>> ‘TinnR’ is not available.
>>> Any idea how I could make my TinnR work? I googled extensively, but 
>>> without luck...
>>> Thanks
>>> Martin
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