[R] Iterative Proportional Fitting, use

Gerard M. Keogh GMKeogh at justice.ie
Mon Mar 23 14:11:15 CET 2009


why not fit a loglinear independence model which as far as I know is the


Here's an example from Agresti - Intro to Cat Data analysis
Example: Alcohol, cigarette, marijuana use
|      Alcohol     |     Cigarette    |            Marijuana Use           |
|                  |                  |                                    |
|        use       |        use       |                                    |
|                  |                  |               Yes No               |
|        Yes       |        Yes       |               911 538              |
|                  |        No        |               44 456               |
|        No        |        Yes       |                3 43                |
|                  |        No        |                2 279               |

Coding and Models

      table8.3 = read.table(textConnection("alc cig mar count
      Yes Yes Yes 911
      Yes Yes No  538
      Yes No  Yes 44
      Yes No  No  456
      No  Yes Yes 3
      No  Yes No  43
      No  No  Yes 2
      No  No  No  279"),header=TRUE)
      # independence model (A,C,M)
      fit1.a.c.m = glm(count ~ mar+cig+alc, family=poisson, data=table8.3)
      # intermediate model
      fit2.m.ca = glm(count ~ mar+cig:alc, family=poisson, data=table8.3)
      # homogeneous association model
      fit3.m.c.a  =  glm(count  ~  mar:cig+mar:alc+cig:alc, family=poisson,
      # saturated model
      fits = glm(count ~ mar*cig*alc, family=poisson, data=table8.3)

The  coding  for  variables  in the above program and the fitted values are

given  below – they show that the homogeneous association model is the only

model that fits these data well.

| Alcohol |  Cigarette |  Marijuana | Actual |   (A,C,M)  |  (AC,M) | (AC:AM:CM)|
|   use   |     Use    |     Use    |  (ACM) | Independenc|         | homogeneou|
|         |            |            |        |      e     |         |     s     |
|   Yes   |     Yes    |     Yes    |   911  |    540.0   |  611.2  |   910.4   |
|         |            |     No     |   538  |    740.2   |  837.8  |   538.6   |
|         |     No     |     Yes    |   44   |    282.1   |  210.9  |    44.6   |
|         |            |     No     |   456  |    386.7   |  289.1  |   455.4   |
|    No   |     Yes    |     Yes    |    3   |    90.6    |   19.4  |    3.6    |
|         |            |     No     |   43   |    124.2   |   26.6  |    42.4   |
|         |     No     |     Yes    |    2   |    47.3    |  118.5  |    1.4    |
|         |            |     No     |   279  |    64.9    |  162.5  |   279.6   |

             Koen Hufkens                                                  
             <koen.hufkens at ua.                                             
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                                       [R] Iterative Proportional Fitting, 
             23/03/2009 12:13          use                                 

Hi list,

I would like to normalize a matrix (two actually for comparison) using
iterative proportional fitting.

Using ipf() would be the easiest way to do this, however I can't get my
head around the use of the function. More specifically, the margins

for a matrix:

mat <- matrix(c(65,4,22,24,6,81,5,8,0,11,85,19,4,7,3,90),4,4)


fit <- ipf(mat,margins=c(1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1))

generates a matrix with just 1's.


fit <- ipf(mat,margins=c(100,100,100,100,0,100,100,100,100))

gives a segmentation fault and crashes R !

so how do you define the margin values to which to sum the row and
column values in your matrix correctly?

Kind regards,

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