[R] If statement generates two outputs

Wacek Kusnierczyk Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no
Mon Mar 23 08:39:56 CET 2009

jimdare wrote:
> Hi, 
> I tried to create the following if / else statement but I keep getting the
> error "Error: unexpected '}' in "size="large",center="none")
> }" (I have highlighted the } in bold where the error is occuring).  I can't
> seem to find a reason for this, does anyone know how I can fix it?
> Thanks,
> James  
> if (nostocks<=3)
> 		{data1<-test[,data1stocks];
> 		tex1<-latex(data1, file=paste(i$Species[1], "1.tex", sep=""), 
>       	             rowname = NULL, 
>       	             cgroup = c("Fishstock", stocknames,"Total"), 
>       	             n.cgroup = c(1, rep(2,(nostocks+1)), 
>       	             colheads = c("Year", rep(c("Catch", "TACC"),
> nostocks+1)),
> 		size="large",center="none")
> }else)		

the error message tells you that '}' is unexpected here, and that's
because it really is.  you forgot to close one parenthesis up there:

    n.cgroup = c(1, rep(2,(nostocks+1)),

you open three, you close two.  close three and it goes away.


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