[R] changing order of lattice plots

Dan Kortschak dan.kortschak at adelaide.edu.au
Mon Mar 23 08:27:00 CET 2009


This is another question relating to my 2 factor figure.

densityplot(~End-Begin | Type * Chromosome, data=Mon, layout=c(5,12),
xlab="Element Length",type="percent", col="grey60",
strip=strip.custom(style=3, bg="grey90", par.strip.text=list(cex=0.5)))

I would like to flip the plot so those at the bottom are at the top and
so on. I have tried using a `index.cond=list(60:1)' (I have 3 classes
for Chromosome and 20 classes for Type) parameter - this approximates
what I want while I sort out the syntax. But I get `Error in
cond.orders(foo) : Invalid value of index.cond' returned.

The equivalent parameter for a 1x3 plot:

histogram(~Length/1000 | Chromosome, data=readlengths, layout=c(1,3),
xlab="Contig Length (kb)", nint=25, type="count", col="grey60",
index.cond=list(3:1), strip=strip.custom(bg="grey90"))

works fine, so I'm not sure where to go from here.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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