[R] Is this sample size big enough to test for statistical significance?

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Sat Mar 21 19:15:39 CET 2009

J S <yulya258 <at> hotmail.com> writes:

Is this sample size large enough to study differences between two groups of
the populations?
Q1: do the body temperatures differ between the two groups of the
overwintering turtles juveniles and adults?
 One group (adults) has 6 turtles
 Second group (juveniles) has 1 turtle.
There are 3 replications, i.e. the experiment was repeated over the three
years, but using different
We had about 130 observations (daily body temperature) per each turtle per 
This is not a count problem, where you often can tell the numbers required 
without knowing the characteristics of your result set, but a continuous 
variable is involved. 

Without knowing at least approximately the statistics of the body temperature
everything is possible.


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