[R] How to set R_PROFILE conditional on batch or interactive mode

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Thu Mar 19 21:41:50 CET 2009

On 20/03/2009, at 9:17 AM, Lyman, Mark wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion Rolf. Unfortunately, this uses the BATCH
> profile when I use for example R CMD INSTALL. I would like the BATCH
> profile to be used only when R CMD BATCH is used. Sorry, about the
> vagueness of my question.
> I have found a way that approximates what I want to do. If I create a
> new script file R2, with the only change from the regular R script  
> file
> being that I set and export the R_PROFILE variable, I can use this new
> script file when I want to run BATCH jobs.
> R2 --save --file=jobfile

Hmmm.  Try:

cargs <- commandArgs()
mmm   <- match("-f",cargs)
if(is.na(mmm)) {
	# Do the non-batch thing.
} else {
	# Do the batch thing.

Does that get you where you want to go?



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