[R] the quote problem with readLines()

Dongyan Song yzhskdls at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 17 13:50:10 CET 2009

Dear all,

I read a file with all numbers with readLines function, as below,
> f <- file("data.txt")
> a <- readLines(f)
but all the values in a are in format "....", and I cannot do the
calculation with them since they are not numeric. I wonder how should I skip
those quotes, thank you for help! 
I have to use readLines function instead of scan, read.table or matrix,
because the size of file is quite large, and other function cannot allocate
enough space/memory to read the input file.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/the-quote-problem-with-readLines%28%29-tp22558454p22558454.html
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