[R] Fw: Fitting GUMBEL Distribution - CDF function and P P Plot

Maithili Shiva maithili_shiva at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 16 06:30:17 CET 2009

Dera R Helpers,

I am re-posting my query.

Please guide me.


--- On Fri, 3/13/09, Maithili Shiva <maithili_shiva at yahoo.com> wrote:

 I am trying to fit the Gumbel distribution to a data. I am
 using lmom package. I am getting problem in Cumulative
 Distribution Function of Gumbel distribution as I am getting
 it as a series of 0's and 1's thereby affecting the
 P P Plot. My R code is as follows.
  x <-
 #Estimating the parameters for GUMBEL distribution
  N                    <- length(x)
  lmom 		    <- samlmu(x); lmom
  parameters_of_GUMBEL <- pelgum(lmom); parameters_of_GUMBEL
  # Parameters are xi =  1019.4003   alpha =   59.5327
  # _____________________ P - P Plot ________________________
  e        <- c(1:N)
  f        <- c((e-.5)/N)
  Fx       <- cdfgum(x, para = parameters_of_GUMBEL)
  g        <- sort(Fx)
  png(filename = "GUMBEL_P-P.png")
  a <- par('bg'= "#FFFFCC")
  plot (f,g,bg=a,fg= "#804000",main ="P-P
 Plot", ylab=" Cumulative Distribution
 Function", xlab="i", font.main=2,
 cex.main=1,col="#999966",bty =
  abline(rq(g ~ f, tau = .5),col="red")
 # Fx RETURNS    0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 
 and Thus plot is not proper
 Please guide me as where I am going wrong.
 With regards

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