[R] Testing for Inequality à la "select case"
Stavros Macrakis
macrakis at alum.mit.edu
Sun Mar 15 21:44:48 CET 2009
On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 4:12 PM, diegol <diegol81 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ...This could be done in Excel much tidier in my opinion (especially the
> range_aux part), element by element (cell by cell)...
If you'd do it element-by-element in Excel, why not do it
element-by-element in R?
Create a table with the limits of the ranges
range= c(20,100,250,700,1000,Inf)*1000
and then find the index of the appropriate case using something like
idx <- which(x<=range)[1]
Then the formula becomes simply
pmax( x*perc[idx], min[idx] )
Putting it all together:
mr <-
# Local constants
range= c(20,100,250,700,1000,Inf)*1000
perc = c(65,40,30,25,20,0)/100
min = c(0,14,40,75,175,250)*1000
{ idx <- which(x<=range)[1]
pmax( x*perc[idx], min[idx] )
Make sense?
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