[R] S4 coerce as.data.frame for lm
Thomas Roth (geb. Kaliwe)
hamstersquats at web.de
Tue Mar 10 16:02:42 CET 2009
#For a given class test, an object of class test cannot be used as data
in the lm method although as.data.frame was implemented... where's my
#Suppose i have defined a S4 class test
#S4 Class test containting a slot data
#which is of type data.frame
setClass(Class = "test", representation = representation(name =
"character", data = "data.frame")
temp = new("test") #temp is of class test
temp at data = faithful #assign some data to it
#now define as.data.frame for class test
setMethod("as.data.frame", "test", function(x, row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE)
return(x at data)
as.data.frame(temp) #works
lm(eruptions ~ waiting, data = temp) #doesn't work
#Thank you for any hints
#Thomas Roth
#from the lm help page
|#data| - an optional data frame, list or environment (or object
coercible by |as.data.frame| to a data frame) containing the variables
in the model. If not found in |data|, the variables are taken from
|environment(formula)|, typically the #environment from which |lm| is
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