[R] predict.glm predicted prob above 1?

Kitty Lee lee.kitty at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 9 07:39:32 CET 2009

I have a puzzle....

When I include an interaction in the model, many predicted probabilities are above 1. Is that a problem with my model? I thought the predicted prob can't be bigger than 1...

Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks!


    factor(time)*male, data=mydata, family=binomial(link="logit"))

reg2<-predict.glm(reg1, se.fit=T, data.frame(male=1, edu=1, married=1,inc=1, relig=1, type='response', YEAR=seq(1,33,1))


        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10        11 
0.6105101 0.5249279 0.4717028 0.5525786 0.5622492 0.3387205 0.3010051 0.5836462 0.6478388 0.9158862 0.9849557 
       12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20        21        22 
1.1208788 1.1440165 1.2053129 1.0169487 1.1832429 1.4162309 1.0612279 1.2038962 1.1274700 1.0876280 0.9704570 
       23        24        25        26        27        28        29        30        31        32        33 
1.0160205 1.0410419 0.9526990 1.0043029 1.1337670 1.2502910 0.9927158 1.0924190 0.8315262 1.0530386 1.5727090

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