[R] Problem using RMySQL and fCalendar

Elizabeth Nichols betsy.nichols at plexlogic.com
Thu Mar 5 13:06:45 CET 2009

First, thanks so much for the virtually instantaneous reponse. I really 
appreciate it.

It seems I now have a different problem. I did an update.packages() and 
that resulted in getting timeDate package installed.
Here is what happens now. Note that as soon as I load RMySQL, I can't 
print the dateTime object DT. But, I can do math on it and then print 
the result by turning it into characters. It does seem odd that dt (June 
13) converts to DT (June 12th). I assume this has to do with timezones.

Perhaps if you tell me exactly where you obtained your RMySQL and 
timeDate libraries, that would help. I am running Ubuntu (Intrepid).

At any rate, this is definitely progress. Again, I appreciate your help.

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 > library(timeDate)
 > dt<-"1947-06-13"
 > myFC<-"America/NewYork"
 > DT<-timeDate(dt, format="%Y-%m-%d", FinCenter=myFC)
 > DT
[1] [1947-06-12 20:00:00]
 > DT + 3600*24
[1] [1947-06-13 20:00:00]
 > library(RMySQL) # For db access
 > DT
Error in function (object, ...) :
Invalid generic function in 'usemethod'
 > foo<-DT + 3600*24
 > foo
Error in function (object, ...) :
Invalid generic function in 'usemethod'
 > as.character(foo)
[1] "1947-06-13 20:00:00"

Yohan Chalabi wrote:
>>>>> "EN" == Elizabeth Nichols <betsy.nichols at plexlogic.com>
>>>>> on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 05:45:40 -0500
>    EN> Hello:
>    EN> I am trying to use fCalendar for date arithmetic and the
>    EN> RMySQL package
>    EN> for accessing a MySQL database.  The fCalendar math operations
>    EN> seem to
>    EN> work fine UNTIL I load the RMySQL package.  Here is a
>    EN> demonstration:
>    EN>
>    EN> ean at fibonacci:~/Desktop/amCharts/rsa-metrics$ R
>    EN>
>    EN> R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
>    EN> Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
>    EN> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
>    EN>
>    EN> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
>    EN> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
>    EN> Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
>    EN>
>    EN> Natural language support but running in an English locale
>    EN>
>    EN> R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
>    EN> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
>    EN> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
>    EN>
>    EN> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
>    EN> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
>    EN> Type 'q()' to quit R.
>    EN>
>    EN> [Previously saved workspace restored]
>    EN>
>    EN> > library(fCalendar, pos=2) # For date math
>    EN> Loading required package: MASS
>    EN> Loading required package: fUtilities
>    EN> Rmetrics Package fUtilities (290.76) loaded.
>    EN> Loading required package: fEcofin
>    EN> Rmetrics Package fCalendar (270.78.2) loaded.
>    EN> The new version of 'fCalendar' has been renamed to 'timeDate'
>    EN> > dt<-1947-06-13
>    EN> > myFC<-America/NewYork
>    EN> > DT<-timeDate(dt, zone=myFC, FinCenter=myFC)
>    EN> > DT + 3600
>    EN> America/NewYork
>    EN> [1] [1947-06-13 01:00:00]
>    EN> > library(RMySQL, pos=4) # For db access
>    EN> > DT + 3600
>    EN> Error in (DT, 3600) :
>    EN> no slot of name Data for this object of class timeDate
>    EN> In addition: Warning message:
>    EN> In (DT, 3600) :
>    EN> trying to get slot Data from an object (class timeDate) that
>    EN> is not
>    EN> an S4 object
>    EN> >
>    EN>
>    EN> As you can see, I can do date arithmetic (DT + 3600) before
>    EN> I load the
>    EN> RMySQL package but not after.  The pos arguments to the
>    EN> library()
>    EN> calls are an unsuccessful attempt to get R to use the Rmetrics
>    EN> fCalendar
>    EN> package that works instead of whatever gets loaded by RMySQL.
>    EN>
>    EN> I have Googled until my fingers turned blue and I can't find
>    EN> any useful
>    EN> information to fix this.  Any help would be most appreciated.
>    EN> Thanks,
>    EN> eanichols
> Hi Elizabeth, 
> Please note that the new version of 'fCalendar' has been renamed to
> 'timeDate'
> I tried your example with the new timeDate package and it worked fine
> for me.
> Yohan

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