[R] Bash script that uses an R command

Romain Francois romain.francois at dbmail.com
Mon Mar 2 16:13:35 CET 2009

stephen sefick wrote:
> I have wriiten (with the help of the internet) a bash scirpt for my
> debian ppc 5.0 laptop to display battery remaining in a panel on the
> xfce desktop environment.
> echo `hal-device | grep battery.remaining_time | awk '{print $3/3600}' `-battery
> and this nicely spits out  4.95 hours in the panel.  This is fine
> except it is a snow day and I have some extra time on my hands.  I was
> wondering if I could write a little program that would take 4.95 and
> convert it into 4: (.95*6) in other words 4:57 in R and then use that
> in a shell script to tweak the battery remaining script.  I am sure
> there is a better way, but I am a noob to linux and have a couple of
> years with R.
> thanks
This is one for little r (http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/littler.html)

$ echo "4.95" | r -e "x <- as.numeric(readLines()); cat( floor(x),':', 
round( ( x - floor( x ) ) * 60 ),'\n',sep='') "


Romain Francois
Independent R Consultant
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30

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