[R] How to join many records against SQL database
Andrew Ziem
ahz001 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 00:19:10 CET 2009
This is a working example of how to merge records with a SQL database
given the constraints
1. The database is too large to pull all the records
2. The database permissions don't allow creating a table for
temporarily storing identifiers
3. The R database driver doesn't allow creating temporary table
4. There are too many identifiers to pass in a single query
max_ids <- 100 # try a larger number for greater efficiency
# manufacture data
y <- data.frame( list(1:1000), list(rnorm(1000)) )
colnames(y) <- c("id", "rnd")
m <- dbDriver("SQLite")
tfile <- tempfile()
con <- dbConnect(m, dbname = tfile)
dbWriteTable(con, "y", y)
x <- data.frame(1:1000)
x['letter'] <- head(rep(LETTERS, 1000/(24+1)),1000)
colnames(x) <- c("id", "letter")
# define functions
get_y <- function(ids)
ids2 <- paste(ids, collapse = ",")
cmd <- paste("select * from y where id in (", ids2, ")")
d <- dbSendQuery(con, cmd)
rs <- fetch(d)
loop <- function()
y <<- get_y(x[x$part==0, 'id'])
for (i in 1:(max_ids-1))
y2 <- get_y(x[x$part==i, 'id'])
y <<- rbind(y, y2)
call_y <- function(z)
get_y(x[x$part==z, 'id'])
# work
x$part <- as.numeric(row.names(x)) %% max_ids
merged <- subset(merge(x, y), select=c('id', 'letter', 'rnd'))
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