[R] please help me about data format.
Jim Lemon
jim at bitwrit.com.au
Tue Jun 30 14:17:41 CEST 2009
yongkook Kwon wrote:
> Hi~ helpers.
> I was surprised by R data type.
> I use to data type like table.
> I don't know R allow several data type such as list, number, matrix in the
> same matrix.
> I want to use plsr in pls package to anlaysis data.
> So, I read R help and example of plsr.
> that example show me that data as yarn has three colname as NIR, density and
> train.
> the NIR was 268(No. of col) X 71(No. of row) matrix, but density was just
> 71 list
> yarn[1] indicate NIR, and yarn[2] indicate density
> so I just tested like that TEST=c(matrix , list)
> But It was wrong.
> how can I make like matrix?
> Of cource, the python, perl or JAVA could like that.
> just simplely but I don't know in R.
> please tell me about that.
Hi yongkook,
The easiest way is:
yarn.mat will now contain the values but in a matrix format.
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