[R] newbie - read.csv creates a (data.frame, table, array, matrix, ...) and plotting one column

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 03:14:51 CEST 2009

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Mark Knecht<markknecht at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>   Newbie alert.
>   The second question is about plotting one column from data set.
> I've used read.csv to read in somethign called PFA_VWAP. row.names,
> names and dim all return sensible values. The command
> PFA_VWAP_Equity<-PFA_VWAP[,10] seems to load the new variable with the
> right data for the equity curve, but how do I plot it?
> plot(PFA_VWAP_Equity) gives me a chart that doesn't make sense to me.
> Note however that the original values that make up column 10 were
> surrounded by quotes so I'm not sure how to tell what sort of data R
> thinks is in column 10. Is it numeric or text? I think it's integer
> from the last command.

So I've tried to boil this down to the something simple others can try
and duplicate my confusion, or just see what's going on from this

Basically I'm trying to get a handle on the difference between a list
and an array, and how to take my data read with read.csv and plot it
on a scatter chart.

1) Here's a small portion of one of my data files. I put this at C:\Test1.csv

1,1,1/9/2004 1:11:00 PM,-146.00,As Given,1,-146.00,146.00,1.460,"9,854.00"
2,1,1/12/2004 1:11:00 PM,874.00,As Given,1,874.00,0.00,0,"10,728.00"
3,1,1/13/2004 1:11:00 PM,224.00,As Given,1,224.00,0.00,0,"10,952.00"
4,1,1/28/2004 12:28:00 PM,-626.00,As Given,1,-626.00,626.00,5.716,"10,326.00"
5,1,2/9/2004 1:11:00 PM,64.00,As Given,1,64.00,562.00,5.131,"10,390.00"
6,1,2/13/2004 1:11:00 PM,-116.00,As Given,1,-116.00,678.00,6.191,"10,274.00"
7,1,2/20/2004 1:11:00 PM,364.00,As Given,1,364.00,314.00,2.867,"10,638.00"
8,1,2/23/2004 11:23:00 AM,-626.00,As Given,1,-626.00,940.00,8.583,"10,012.00"
9,1,2/24/2004 1:11:00 PM,114.00,As Given,1,114.00,826.00,7.542,"10,126.00"
10,1,2/25/2004 1:11:00 PM,444.00,As Given,1,444.00,382.00,3.488,"10,570.00"

(In case of line breakage everything from TRADE to EQUITY is on line 2
and there are 10 lines that follow making 12 lines total.)

2) I read this into R creating T1 using the command


3) If I type T1 and hit return then I see the data.

4) dim(T1) says 10 10 which is correct.

5) I can read the two columns I want to use to create the scatter plot using:

> T1[,1]
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
> T1[,10]
 [1] 9,854.00  10,728.00 10,952.00 10,326.00 10,390.00 10,274.00
10,638.00 10,012.00 10,126.00 10,570.00
Levels: 10,012.00 10,126.00 10,274.00 10,326.00 10,390.00 10,570.00
10,638.00 10,728.00 10,952.00 9,854.00

Now, here's the confusion. plot(T1[,1],T1[,10]) creates a plot, but
the range on both X & Y is 1-10. I want 1-10 on the X axis but need
the values in the first line of the T1[,10] return as the Y axis.

How can I create that scatter plot?


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