[R] Boxplots: side-by-side
stephen sefick
ssefick at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 16:28:08 CEST 2009
reproducible code.
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Santosh<santosh2005 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear R-sians..
> I am trying to plot boxplots with side-by-side option.. I tried some of the
> posted suggestions and could not make it work due to unequal sizes of
> categories...
> e.g.
> weekly measured water depth values are categorized into 5 levels based on
> their values
> such measurement is again categorized into dichotomous levels - based on the
> result of a test
> I would like generate boxplot of water depth, with side-by-side display at
> dichotomous levels (0,1), for each category (1-5).
> However, dichotomous levels are not always available in each
> category.....e.g. category 1 may have all categorized as 0s, category 5 may
> have all categorized as 1s, category 3 may have 0s and 1s, and so on...
> I tried to use at=1:5+/- 0.1, add=T,xaxt="n" with complementary
> (subset(dichot=0) & subset(dichot=1)) datasets and it did not work..
> I would highly appreciate your suggestions...
> Thanks and regards,
> Santosh
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Stephen Sefick
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