[R] Weighting column entries in a data frame

camillus citizencamillus at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 21:11:31 CEST 2009

Hi Guys,

I would like to weight column entries in a data frame by the population of
each state.  For example, here is some data:

state     statenum year income        popul
ALABAMA        1    1   9.703193      3973.00
ALABAMA        1    2   9.745950      3992.00
ALABAMA        1    3   9.762092      4015.00
ALASKA         2    1   10.221640     532.00
ALASKA         2    2   10.169600     544.00
ALASKA         2    3   10.101300     539.00

I would like to adjust "income" by population ("popul") for each state.  I
can use:


which gives:

53590.130   7435.263 

I can find the weights:

popweight <- statepops/sum(statepops)

    ALABAMA      ALASKA     
0.016327564 0.002265338 

Is there an efficient way to multiply each entry of "income" by "popweght"
conditional on the state?  That is, ALABAMA income for year 1 is
9.703193*0.016327564, etc.


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