[R] How to make try to catch warnings in logistic glm

Fredrik Nilsson laf.nilsson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 14:55:32 CEST 2009

Dear list,

>From an earlier post I got the impression that one could promote
warnings from a glm to errors (presumably by putting
options(warn=1)?), then try() would flag them as errors. I’ve spent
half the day trying to do this, but no luck. Do you have an explicit

My problems is that I am trying to figure out during what conditions
one may find 5 significant parameters in a logistic regression with
only 21 bad and 28 outcomes (this appears in a published article) and
I would like to have  my.glm<-try(glm(outcome~ald + fat+ hstop + btun
+ time, data=DF, family=binomial)) to indicate if warnings
(convergence / probabilities equal to 0/1) occurs (see attempt to code
below if my explanation is terse).

Best regards,

Fredrik Nilsson

Fredrik Nilsson, PhD
Competence Centre for Clinical Research
Lund University Hospital

Warnings I'd like to catch:
Warning in glm.fit(x = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start,
etastart = etastart,  :
 algorithm did not converge
Warning in glm.fit(x = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start,
etastart = etastart,  :
 fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

res<-matrix(NA, nrow=nsim, ncol=6)
ow <- options("warn")
options(warn= 1)
outcome<-rep(c("G","B"), times=c(ngood, nbad))
agood<-rep(c(0,1), times=c(27,1))
abad<-rep(c(0,1), times=c(14,7))
thgood<-rep(c(0,1), times=c(24,4))
thbad<-rep(c(0,1), times=c(12,9))

for (i in 1:nsim)
 tgood<-sample(agood, ngood)
 tbad<-sample(abad, nbad)
 hstop<-c(tgood, tbad)
 aldgood<-rnorm(ngood, mean=54, sd=8/0.675)
 aldbad<-rnorm(nbad, mean=64, sd=8/0.675)
 ald<-c(aldgood, aldbad)
 fatgood<-exp(rnorm(ngood, mean=log(23.9)-0.06^2/2,sd=0.06))
 fatbad<-exp(rnorm(nbad, mean=log(27.4)-0.09^2/2, sd=0.09))
 fat<-c(fatgood, fatbad)
 thgood<-sample(thgood, ngood)
 thbad<-sample(thbad, nbad)
 btun<-c(thgood, thbad)
 timegood<-exp(rnorm(ngood, mean=log(443)-0.5^2/2, sd=0.5))
 timebad<- exp(rnorm(nbad, mean=log(555)-0.6^2/2, sd=0.6))
 time<-c(timegood, timebad)

 DF<-data.frame(outcome, ald, fat, hstop, btun, time)
 my.glm<-try(glm(outcome~ald + fat+ hstop + btun + time, data=DF,
 test<-!is.null(attr(my.glm, "try-error"))
 if(test | !my.glm$converged)
   res[i, 1:6]<-NA
 } else
   if (sum(lres)==5)
     assign(paste(resmat, j, sep=".", collapse=""), DF)


From: Dieter Menne <dieter.menne_at_menne-biomed.de>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 20:49:20 +0000 (UTC) Caroline Paulsen <cpaulsen
<at> u.washington.edu> writes:
> I'm attempting to run 250 permutations of a negative binomial GLM
> model for data on fish counts. Many of the models are fit
> appropriately, but some issue warnings such as "convergence not
> reached" or "step size truncated due to divergence."
> I'd like to figure out a way to flag the models that have warnings and
> output them into either a table or into R console. Then I could
> evaluate the problems associated with these models and know not choose
> them as the best models for fitting the data.
You could promote the options to errors (?warning) and use try() Dieter

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