[R] Recursive partitioning algorithms in R vs. alia

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta cgb at datanalytics.com
Fri Jun 19 20:35:04 CEST 2009

Dear R-helpers,

I had a conversation with a guy working in a "business intelligence"
department at a major Spanish bank. They rely on recursive partitioning
methods to rank customers according to certain criteria. 

They use both SAS EM and Salford Systems' CART. I have used package R
part in the past, but I could not provide any kind of feature comparison
or the like as I have no access to any installation of the first two
proprietary products.

Has anybody experience with them? Is there any public benchmark
available? Is there any very good --although solely technical-- reason
to pay hefty software licences? How would the algorithms implemented in
rpart compare to those in SAS and/or CART?

Best regards,

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta

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