[R] Confidence Bands in Polynomial Regression
Rolf Turner
r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Jun 16 23:00:40 CEST 2009
Perhaps I'm just being obtuse, but I don't see what ols() has to do with
the question that was asked.
Often with R it is easier to roll your own rather than struggling
with the
arcana of someone else's software.
Here is a function that seems to do what Ben wants:
pecb <- function(fit,tt,alpha=0.05,fill.col,...) {
# pecb <--> ``partial effect confidence band''.
ind <- c(2,5,6)
ccc <- coef(fit)[ind]
Sig <- summary(fit)$cov.unscaled[ind,ind]
M <- cbind(1,tt,tt^2)
pe <- M%*%ccc
sig <- sqrt(apply(M*t(Sig%*%t(M)),1,sum))
tv <- -qt(alpha/2,fit$df.residual)
hi <- pe + tv*sig
lo <- pe - tv*sig
And here is a test script to try it out using simulated data:
# 1. Simulate some data.
tt <- seq(0,10,length=301)
x <- sort(runif(301))
y <- 0.25 + 1.3*x - 0.7*tt + 0.3*tt^2 + 0.4*x*tt - 0.6*x*tt^2 + rnorm
# 2. Fit the model.
fit <- lm(y ~ x + tt + I(tt^2) + I(x*tt) + I(x*tt^2))
# 3. Plot the desired result.
# 4. Add in the ``true'' curve.
yt <- 1.3 + 0.4*tt - 0.6*tt^2
Rolf Turner
On 16/06/2009, at 2:11 PM, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Ben Amsel<benamsel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello R users,
>> Given a linear (in the parameters) regression model where one
>> predictor x
>> interacts with time and time*time (ie, a quadratic effect of time t):
>> y = b0 + b1(x) + b2(t) + b3(t^2) + b4(x*t) + b5(x*t^2) + e,
>> I would like to construct 95% confidence bands (optimally, shaded)
>> around
>> this function:
>> *dy* = b1 + b4(t) + b5(t^2)
>> *dx*
>> That is, the partial effect of x on y changing over time t
>> Is this possible with predict() or perhaps another function?
>> Thank you very much
>> Ben
> Hi Ben,
> Check out the 'Design' package, it has all kinds of convenience
> functions for plotting these type of things.
> install.packages('Design', dep=TRUE)
> ?ols
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