[R] Running stats on individual data.frames from the split() function list

Eric Vander Wal eric.vanderwal at usask.ca
Tue Jun 16 22:44:15 CEST 2009

Hello, and thanks in advance.

I have a data.frame from which I want to count observations that occur 
on each day and determine the mean and std.error of said counts.

For instance:

x<-split(my.df, my.df$julian.days)

Although I'm still in my R learning infancy I am under the impression 
that x is a list of data.frames subsetting my.df by group 
(i.e.,julian.day) where day 1:366 are x$'1': x$'366' and my variables 
are x$'1'$var1, x$1$var2, for each data.frame in the list.

The data I seek can be supplied by

mean(sapply(split(x$'1'$var1, x$'1'$var2), length)) and 
std.error(sapply(split(x$'1'$var1, x$'1'$var2), length)), etc.

Is there an efficient means for me to process the entire list x so that 
I needn't call each data.frame (i.e., day) from list x individually?  No 
doubt there is a more sophisticated way to obtain this information from 
the outset, but I'm not yet familiar with it.

Thanks again for all the help,

Eric Vander Wal
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Biology,
112 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK., S7N 5E2

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