[R] Output of Anova (CAR package) in Sweave

Maria Wolters mwolters at staffmail.ed.ac.uk
Tue Jun 16 12:30:56 CEST 2009

Dear list,

I use Sweave almost exclusively for writing papers, and I have become
quite spoiled by the excellent xtable export facilities. Has anybody
written an xtable method for the Anova function in CAR, or has anybody
used a different set of functions to import Anova results into
a table in an Sweave document? If not, any handy hints on how to
write a good homebrew based on the output of Anova would be much
appreciated - in particular, where can I find Pillai test statistics
and the formula for computing approximate F that is used in the
CAR package? I have Fox' "R and S-Plus Companion to Regression".

I'm aware that this is a very basic question -
thank you for your patience!

Maria Wolters

Dr Maria Wolters
    CSTR / HCRC, School of Informatics
    MATCH Research Fellow
    EdSST Project Manager
mwolters AT staffmail.ed.ac.uk

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