[R] xtable with longtable is doublespaced, rather than single as intended

Stephen J. Barr stephenjbarr at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 02:33:36 CEST 2009


Quick R/LaTeX question.

I have the following code within a .Rnw file:

cVec <- c("RATE","SVC.PCT","AGR.PCT","IND.PCT","density00")
x.big <- xtable(aggregate(qp3[,cVec], list(qp3[,"COURT"]), mean))
colnames(x.big)[1] <- "COURT"
print(x.big, tabular.environment="longtable", include.rownames=TRUE)

However, in the PDF the table comes out double spaces, rather than
single spaced like in the xtableGallery document. Is there any way to
force single space behavior. I have nothing strange in my .Rnw file.


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