[R] Centering graphics by default in Sweave
Marc Schwartz
marc_schwartz at me.com
Mon Jun 15 15:43:36 CEST 2009
Frank and Fritz,
In follow up to Frank's post yesterday, I am including proposed
patches for Sweave.R and RweaveLatex.Rd. The patches are against the
current SVN main trunk.
The patches include a new Sweave option called 'center.fig', which
defaults to FALSE to preserve existing behavior. When this option is
set to TRUE, the \includegraphics command will be wrapped with a
\centerline command. This will allow for space preserving centering,
whether in a 'figure' environment or not, as compared to using
Frank, this option can be set on a per chunk basis:
or globally:
I am also attaching an example .Rnw file and the associated PDF so
that you can see the resultant behavior under differing circumstances.
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