[R] ROracle: cannot insert several columns

jc jc.domenge at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 22:17:40 CEST 2009

Hi all,
I've been playing with ROracle (0.5-9) for a few days
and I can't wrap my mind around this one.
Here's a sample of my R (2.4.0) session.

> my.df
prd_id vol_factor
1    123      0.123
2    456      0.456
> library(ROracle)
Loading required package: DBI
> conn<-dbConnect("Oracle","***/***@***")
> dbGetQuery(conn,"create table mytable (prd_id number, vol_factor number)")
> dbGetQuery(conn,"insert into mytable (prd_id,vol_factor) values(123,.123)")
> dbGetQuery(conn,"insert into mytable (prd_id,vol_factor) values(456,.456)")
> dbGetQuery(conn,"select * from mytable")
0    123      0.123
1    456      0.456

the above works as expected. Now let's try to insert new rows into
using a prepared statement and bind variables:

> ps<-dbPrepareStatement(conn,"insert into mytable (prd_id,vol_factor) values (:1,:2)",bind=c(rep("numeric",2)))
> res<-dbExecStatement(ps,my.df)
> dbCommit(conn)
[1] TRUE
> dbGetQuery(conn,"select * from jdomenge_test")
0    123      0.123
1    456      0.456
2    123         NA
3    456         NA

so the 2 new rows were appended, except the values in the second
column were seemingly not read...
the same happens with dbWriteTable:

> dbWriteTable(conn,"mytable",df,append=T,row.names=F)
[1] TRUE
> dbGetQuery(conn,"select * from mytable")
0    123      0.123
1    456      0.456
2    123         NA
3    456         NA
4    123         NA
5    456         NA

I'm clueless at this point, could find no answer in the help files or
on the web... for a while now.

Any help would be *greatly* appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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