[R] How to do poisson distribution test like this?
(Ted Harding)
Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Jul 29 12:59:15 CEST 2009
On 29-Jul-09 03:28:24, glen_b wrote:
> Corrected links (the originals somehow aquired an extra space, sorry)
> Paper: http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/content/full/148/3/1189
> Table I: http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/content/full/148/3/1189/TBL1
I think I've cracked it (using the informationm in Table 1).
What they seem to have done is:
1: Sum the oberved numbers N[i] of F-Box Genes: total = N
2: Sum the lengths L[i] of the chromosomes: total = L
3: Calculate expected number Exp[i] for chromosome i as
Exp[i] = N*L[i]/L
4: Use the Poisson distribution as:
ppois(N[i],Exp[i]) if N[i] < Exp[i]
1-ppois(N[i],Exp[i] if N[i] > Exp[i] (equality does not occur)
I have implemented this in R, using the Table 1 data, as follows.
The variables Exp0 and P0 are the values of Exp and P from the Table;
the variables Exp1 and P1 are as calculated according to the above.
Len <- c(32.16,23.44,17.45,15.08,17.04,17.68,11.90,
Obs <- c(36,25,13,10,19,19,12,15,12,15,17,13,13,13,12,9,2,12,2)
Exp0 <- c(30,22,17,14,16,17,11,15,12,18,13,12,11,13,10,12,5,12,10)
P0 <- c(0.137,0.235,0.235,0.159,0.196,0.242,0.340,
N <- sum(Obs) ; L <- sum(Len)
Exp1 <- N*Len/L
Low <- (Obs < Exp1)
P1 <- Low*ppois(Obs,Exp1) + (1-Low)*(1-ppois(Obs,Exp1))
Len Obs Exp0 Exp1 P0 P1
# [1,] 32.16 36 30 30.429265 0.137 0.136529344
# [2,] 23.44 25 22 22.178544 0.235 0.234714001
# [3,] 17.45 13 17 16.510904 0.235 0.234942347
# [4,] 15.08 10 14 14.268449 0.159 0.158563376
# [5,] 17.04 19 16 16.122969 0.196 0.196445135
# [6,] 17.68 19 17 16.728526 0.242 0.241956811
# [7,] 11.90 12 11 11.259585 0.340 0.340015730
# [8,] 15.43 15 15 14.599613 0.391 0.390970369
# [9,] 12.41 12 12 11.742139 0.395 0.394571188
# [10,] 19.21 15 18 18.176187 0.273 0.273013405
# [11,] 13.17 17 13 12.461238 0.082 0.082372362
# [12,] 13.03 13 12 12.328772 0.353 0.353596077
# [13,] 11.50 13 11 10.881112 0.207 0.207821286
# [14,] 13.68 13 13 12.943792 0.421 0.420776167
# [15,] 10.19 12 10 9.641611 0.176 0.175748117
# [16,] 12.82 9 12 12.130074 0.231 0.231213063
# [17,] 5.44 2 5 5.147239 0.112 0.112786229
# [18,] 12.44 12 12 11.770524 0.398 0.397809438
# [19,] 10.23 2 10 9.679458 0.004 0.003598524
There is now agreement between P0 (from the article) and P1
(as calculated above) -- subject to the rounded third decimal
place of P0 being 1 out in a few cases ([12], [13], [17]).
The puzzle clearly qrose in the first place becaue the authors
reported their Expected Numbers as integers, not fractions!
Well, well, well!
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 29-Jul-09 Time: 11:59:11
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