[R] Kernlab - Splinedot Kernel

Mark McDowall mmcdowall at compbio.dundee.ac.uk
Tue Jul 28 15:51:11 CEST 2009

   I am trying to use the splinedot kernel as part of the kernlab package, but
   I get the following error:

     Error in votematrix[i, ret < 0] <- votematrix[i, ret < 0] + 1 :
       NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments

   The parameters that I have used to build the model are:

     SVMmodel   <-  ksvm(Classification~.,  data=dsTrain,  type="C-svc",
     kernel="splinedot", C=1)

   My training set does not contain NAs and all of the values range between 0
   to 1.
   I am using R version 2.7.0.
   If  anyone  has used ksvm with the splinedot kernel, any tips would be
   greatfully accepted.

Mark McDowall

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