[R] Specify CRAN repository from command line

Aaron Hicks HicksA at landcareresearch.co.nz
Mon Jul 27 04:55:29 CEST 2009


It feels like I should be able to do something like:

R CMD INSTALL lib='/usr/lib64/R/library' repos='http://proxy.url/cran' package

We have a bunch of servers (compute nodes in a Rocks cluster) in an isolated subnet, there is a basic pass-through proxy set up on the firewall (the head node) which just passes HTTP requests through to our nearest CRAN mirror.

when using install. packages it's easy to make R install from the repository with the repos='address' option, but I can't figure out how do this from the command line.

Is there a command line option for this? Currently I'm doing it using an R script, but that's causing issues because it's not 'visible' to the installer.

This would greatly streamline R installation with a standard package set.


Aaron Hicks

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