[R] Duplicated date values aren't duplicates

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Fri Jul 24 16:00:33 CEST 2009

Look at results of

   table( mydata$DateTime )

and I think you will see that some are duplicated. Specifically, the 
two in your dupes object.


At 5:50 PM -0700 7/23/09, Tim Clark wrote:
>Dear list,
>I just had a function (as.ltraj in Adehabitat) give me the following error:
>"Error in as.ltraj(xy, id, date = da) : non unique dates for a given burst"
>I checked my dates and got the following:
>  >   dupes<-mydata$DateTime[duplicated(mydata$DateTime)]
>>  dupes
>[1] (07/30/02 00:00:00) (08/06/03 17:45:00)
>Is there a reason different dates would come up as duplicate values? 
>I would prefer not to have to delete them if I don't have to.  Any 
>suggestions on how to get R to realize they are different?
>Tim Clark
>Department of Zoology
>University of Hawaii
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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