[R] Random # generator accuracy

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Jul 23 22:05:09 CEST 2009

On 23-Jul-09 17:59:56, Jim Bouldin wrote:
> Dan Nordlund wrote:
> "It would be necessary to see the code for your 'brief test'
> before anyone could meaningfully comment on your results.
> But your results for a single test could have been a valid
> "random" result."
> I've re-created what I did below.  The problem appears to be
> with the weighting process: the unweighted sample came out much
> closer to the actual than the weighted sample (>1% error) did. 
> Comments?
> Jim
>> x
>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
>> weights
>  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
>> a = mean(replicate(1000000,(sample(x, 3, prob = weights))));a  # (1
> million samples from x, of size 3, weighted by "weights"; the mean
> should
> be 7.50)
> [1] 7.406977
>> 7.406977/7.5
> [1] 0.987597
>> b = mean(replicate(1000000,(sample(x, 3))));b  # (1 million samples
>> from
> x, of size 3, not weighted this time; the mean should be 6.50)
> [1] 6.501477
>> 6.501477/6.5
> [1] 1.000227
> Jim Bouldin, PhD

To obtain the result you expected, you would need to explicitly
specify "replace=TRUE", since the default for "replace" is FALSE.
(though probably what you really intended was sampling without

Read carefully what is said about "prob" in '?sample' -- when
replace=FALSE, the probability of inclusion of an element is not
proportional to its weight in 'prob'.

The reason is that elements with higher weights are more likely
to be chosen early on. This then knocks that higher weight out
of the contest, making it more likely that elements with smaller
weights will be sampled subsequently. Hence the mean of the sample
will be biased slightly downwards, relative to the weighted mean
of the values in x.

  table(replicate(1000000,(sample(x, 3))))
  #      1      2      3      4      5      6
  # 250235 250743 249603 250561 249828 249777
  #      7      8      9     10     11     12
  # 249780 250478 249591 249182 249625 250597

(so all nice equal frequencies)

  table(replicate(1000000,(sample(x, 3,prob=weights))))
  #      1      2      3      4      5      6
  # 174873 175398 174196 174445 173240 174110
  #      7      8      9     10     11     12
  # 325820 326140 325289 325098 325475 325916

Note that the frequencies of the values with weight=2 are a bit
less than twice the frequencies of the values with weight=1:

  # [1] 

In fact this is fairly easily caluclated. The possible combinations
(in order of sampling) of the two weights, with their probabilities,
                                     1s  2s
1 1 1   P =  6/18 *  5/17 *  4/16    3   0
1 1 2   P =  6/18 *  5/17 * 12/16    2   1
1 2 1   P =  6/18 * 12/17 *  5/15    2   1
1 2 2   P =  6/18 * 12/17 * 10/15    1   2
2 1 1   P = 12/18 *  6/16 *  5/15    2   1
2 1 2   P = 12/18 *  6/16 * 10/15    1   2
2 2 1   P = 12/18 * 10/16 *  6/14    1   2
2 2 2   P = 12/18 * 10/16 *  8/14    0   3

So the expected number of "weight=1" in the sample is

  3*(6/18 *  5/17 *  4/16)  + 2*(6/18 *  5/17 * 12/16) +
  2*(6/18 * 12/17 *  5/15)  + 1*(6/18 * 12/17 * 10/15) +
  2*(12/18 *  6/16 *  5/15) + 1*(12/18 *  6/16 * 10/15) +
  1*(12/18 * 10/16 *  6/14) + 0
  = 1.046218

Hence the expected number of "weight=2" in the sample is

  3 - 1.046218 = 1.953782

and their ratio 1.953782/1.046218 = 1.867471

Compare this with the value 1.867351 (above) obtained by simulation!


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 23-Jul-09                                       Time: 21:05:07
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