[R] Counter

Philipp Pagel p.pagel at wzw.tum.de
Thu Jul 23 12:59:30 CEST 2009

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 10:44:16AM +0000, amor Gandhi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Is there any counter function in R for the following purpose:
> x <- matrix(c(1,1,0,2,1,0,0,2,0,1,2,1,2,1,0,1),nrow=4)

> As I would like to know how many zeros, ones, and twos in each row of x?

Yes there is:

As you are interested int he counts by row you can use apply:

apply(x, 1, table)


Dr. Philipp Pagel
Lehrstuhl für Genomorientierte Bioinformatik
Technische Universität München
Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan
85350 Freising, Germany

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