[R] Automatically assign symbol for statistical significance to x given value of x

Tormod Bøe tormod.rhjelp at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 18:32:45 CEST 2009

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Marc Schwartz<marc_schwartz at me.com> wrote:

> The simple answer is to use symnum(), which is the function the generates
> the symbology for those tables in R where the 'significance stars' are
> included. For example, when printing a linear model summary where
> printCoefmat() is used. See the last example in ?symnum for more
> information.
> The philosophical challenge that you will face is that a lot of people are
> not favorably disposed to the use of this symbology. So the use or non-use
> of them may be dependent upon your own feelings and those of the consumers
> of your output. See ?options and note 'show.signif.stars', which a lot of
> folks, myself included, set to FALSE in .Rprofile.
> HTH,
> Marc Schwartz

Thank you very much Marc, the symnum function worked perfectly and I
hadn't heard of it until now.

With regards to the philosophical challenge; I don't really have an
option since (most) journals (in social science) require such symbols.

Thanks again!

Best regrads,
Tormod Bøe

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