[R] Count data categories from table

Miroslav Nikolov miroslav.nikolov at abv.bg
Fri Jul 17 11:47:31 CEST 2009

Hi there,

I have a relatively simple question, though, I couldn't find a solution for
it so far. I have a table with 1000 entries and columns containing
information about different parameters for each entry.
What I want to do is group all parameters from one of the columns [e.g. if
all 1000 entries are grouped in 30 different categories (described as
character strings) in a second column] and have a pie chart describing the
distribution of all 1000 entries into these 30 categories.
The problem I have is to make R count how many times each of the 30
categories is present in the table; then if I have them counted (e.g. if I
have category1 - 234 times,  category2 - 356 times, etc. in a vector/table)
the rest will be easier.

Thanx for the help in advance!

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