[R] Change data frame column names
Don MacQueen
macq at llnl.gov
Wed Jul 15 17:14:15 CEST 2009
names(df) <- as.vector(unlist(coltitles))
This will fail if you have more than one row in your data frame coltitles.
Which is why Duncan Murdoch's second email has a better solution.
Given the difficulty in getting the titles out of the data frame in
vector form, I would wonder why you're storing them as data in a data
frame in the first place.
Note also that the default behavior when creating a dataframe is for
character data to be converted to factors. You can see this with
> class(coltitles$v1)
[1] "factor"
That's part of what gave you weird results. So I would suggest
looking at the help pages to figure out how to prevent conversion to
If you want names(df) to return "col number one" etc, then you have
to create a data frame whose column names are those. You created a
dataframe (coltitles) whose names were "v1", "v2", etc.
For example,
> tmp <- data.frame("col number one"=1, "col number
> names(tmp)
[1] "col number one" "col number two"
But simpler and easier to just do as Duncan suggested, and create a
vector of names.
At 2:35 PM +0000 7/15/09, Tom Liptrot wrote:
>Hi R helpers,
>I have a data frame and I want to change the column names to names I
>have held in another data frame, but I am having difficulty. All
>data framnes are large so i can't input manually. Below is what i
>have tried so far:
>df<-data.frame(a=1:5, b=2:6, d=3:7, e=4:8)
>coltitles<-data.frame(v1="col number one", v2="col number two",
>v3="col number three", v4="col number four")
>##first attempt
>[1] "1" "1" "1" "1" ###not what i wanted as I want names(df) to
>return [1] "col number one" "col number two" "col number three" "col
>number four"
>##second attempt
>coltitles<-as.vector(coltitles, mode="character") ##trying to
>convert to a character vector after looking at help
>[1] TRUE
>[1] "1" "1" "1" "1" ###again not what I wanted
>How can I convert the column names?
>Thanks in advance,
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA
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