[R] Standalone program from R script

Tanmoy Talukdar tanmoy.talukdar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 05:26:48 CEST 2009

I have written a program which deals with median in 2-D plane and the
property of it under rotation. The program takes the co-ordinates
through mouse-click at any point of the co-ordinate plane and then
does the necessary computations. But the guys for whom I wrote the
program , are now demanding a standalone program, ie they don't want
their users to install R first to use this facility.

So is there any way, without switching over to any other language, to
change a R-script to a standalone program , it 'll be great even if a
web-application is possible, I mean, the client will send the
co-ordinates, R 'll be installed at server side and after the
computation the results will be sent back to the client.

So please tell me, if anyone of this two(standalone desktop program or
web application) is possible.

Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.

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