[R] hi friends, is there any wait function in R
deepak m r
deepaknbr at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 16:06:15 CEST 2009
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Duncan Murdoch<murdoch at stats.uwo.ca> wrote:
> On 7/14/2009 8:56 AM, deepak m r wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Empty plot is getting i dont know why. can u please clarify how
>> can i use Print function instead of plot function.
> You need print() if you are using grid-based graphics (lattice, ggplot2,...)
> in a script. You are using classic graphics so it should not be necessary.
> If you are getting blank plots when you shouldn't, that's a bug. If you can
> put together a reproducible example that shows its a bug in R, rather than a
> bug in your script, it will likely be fixed fairly quickly.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> best regards
>> deepak
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Petr PIKAL<petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> For this type of problems I do multipage pdf.
>>> pdf("file", ....)
>>> for (i in ...) {
>>> do all stuff including plot
>>> }
>>> dev.off()
>>> and then check the plots afterwards. Recently there was some post about
>>> how to wait but you do not want only wait you want also to interactively
>>> change plotting parameters, won't you.
>>> cat("\n","Enter x","\n") # prompt
>>> x=scan(n=1) # read 1 line from console
>>> this construction print something on console and reads one line from
>>> console. There are also some packages which leave you choose from several
>>> options. I think in car and randomForest are such routines so you could
>>> check how it is done.
>>> Regards
>>> Petr
>>> r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 14.07.2009 13:17:01:
>>>> hi,
>>>> is there any wait function in R. I am running one R script to plot
>>>> many graphs it is in the for loop. its showing no error but its not
>>>> plotting well I think i can solve this problem with a wait function.
>>>> Please help me in this regards. If u need any clarification about
>>>> programme. u can find the script below.
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Deepak.M.R
>>>> Biocomputing Group
>>>> University of Bologana.
>>>> #!/usr/bin/R
>>>> s<-c
>>> ("GG","GA","GV","GL","GI","GM","GF","GW","GP","GS","GT","GC","GY","GN","GQ","GD","GE","GK","GR","GH","AA","AV","AL","AI","AM","AF","AW","AP","AS","AT","AC","AY","AN","AQ","AD","AE","AK","AR","AH","VV","VL","VI","VM","VF","VW","VP","VS","VT","VC","VY","VN","VQ","VD","VE","VK","VR","VH","LL","LI","LM","LF","LW","LP","LS","LT","LC","LY","LN","LQ","LD","LE","LK","LR","LH","II","IM","IF","IW","IP","IS","IT","IC","IY","IN","IQ","ID","IE","IK","IR","IH","MM","MF","MW","MP","MS","MT","MC","MY","MN","MQ","MD","ME","MK","MR","MH","FF","FW","FP","FS","FT","FC","FY","FN","FQ","FD","FE","FK","FR","FH","WW","WP","WS","WT","WC","WY","WN","WQ","WD","WE","WK","WR","WH","PP","PS","PT","PC","PY","PN","PQ","PD","PE","PK","PR","PH","SS","ST","SC","SY","SN","SQ","SD","SE","SK","SR","SH","TT","TC","TY","TN","TQ","TD","TE","TK","TR","TH","CC","CY","CN","CQ","CD","CE","CK","CR","CH","YY","YN","YQ","YD","YE","YK","YR","YH","NN","NQ","ND","NE","NK","NR","NH","QQ","QD","QE","QK","QR","QH","DD","DE"!
>>>> ,"DK","DR","DH","EE","EK","ER","EH","KK","KR","KH","RR","RH","HH")
>>>> for(t in 1:length(s))
>>>> {
>>> a<-read.table(paste("../All_alpha_proteins/alp",s[t],"mean.sat",sep=""),header=T)
>>>> attach (a)
>>>> names(a)
>>>> al<-1:length(paste("alp",s[t],"_mean",sep=""))
>>> b<-read.table(paste("../All_beta_proteins/bet",s[t],"mean.sat",sep=""),header=T)
>>>> attach(b)
>>>> names(b)
>>>> bl<-1:length(paste("bet",s[t],"_mean",sep=""))
>>>> p<-read.table(paste("../Alpha_and_beta_proteins_a+b/apb",s
>>>> [t],"mean.sat",sep=""),header=T)
>>>> attach(p)
>>>> names(p)
>>>> pl<-1:length(paste("apb",s[t],"_mean",sep=""))
>>>> o<-read.table(paste("../Alpha_and_beta_proteins_aorb/aob",s
>>>> [t],"mean.sat",sep=""),header=T)
>>>> attach(o)
>>>> names(o)
>>>> ol<-1:length(paste("aob",s[t],"_mean",sep=""))
>>>> postscript(file=paste("Mean_",s[t],"_Plot.ps",sep=""))
>>>> plot(0,xlim=c(0,160),ylim=c(0,70),main=paste("Mean Distance Plot for
>>>> ",s[t]," Rsidue pair",sep=""),ylab="Mean Distance in
>>>> Angstrom",xlab="Residue Seperation Number")
>>>> lines(al,paste("alp",s[t],"_mean",sep=""),col="blue",lty = 2)
>>>> lines(bl,paste("bet",s[t],"_mean",sep=""),col="yellow",lty = 2)
>>>> lines(pl,paste("apb",s[t],"_mean",sep=""),col="red",lty = 2)
>>>> lines(ol,paste("aob",s[t],"_mean",sep=""),col="green",lty = 2)
>>>> legend("topleft",c("Alpha Proteins","Beta Proteins","Alpha +
>>>> Beta","Alpha or Beta"),lty =
>>>> c(2,2,2,2),col=c("blue","yellow","red","green"))
>>>> dev.off()
>>>> }
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