[R] Help With Fleiss Kappa

William Revelle lists at revelle.net
Mon Jul 13 16:09:36 CEST 2009

At 6:48 PM +1200 7/13/09, mehdi ebrahim wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am using fleiss kappa for inter rater agreement.  Are there any know
>issues with Fleiss kappa calculation in R?  Even when I supply mock data
>with total agreement among the raters I do not get a kappa value of 1.
>instead I am getting negative values.
>I am using the irr package version 0.70
>Any help is much appreciated.

   Are you by any chance giving the function the agreement matrix 
rather than the raw data?  The  kappam.fliess function seems to want 
the ratings rather than the agreement matrix.


William Revelle		http://personality-project.org/revelle.html
Professor			http://personality-project.org/personality.html
Department of Psychology             http://www.wcas.northwestern.edu/psych/
Northwestern University	http://www.northwestern.edu/
Attend  ISSID/ARP:2009               http://issid.org/issid.2009/

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