[R] for (n in SystemResults$EnTime) return EnTime[n] until reaching "(all)"

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Jul 12 21:35:51 CEST 2009

On Jul 12, 2009, at 2:53 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:

> Hi,
>   Newbie alert on for loops...
>   I have a bunch of data.frames built using rbind that have repeated
> values in the EnTime column. I want to read the value in the EnTime
> column and use it as an input to a function, but only down to the
> first occurrence of the string "(all)" where I want to break off and
> do other things. From the results I'm getting from some test code I
> clearly don't understand how this is supposed to work.
>   Here's a picture of what's in the first column of a sample  
> data.frame:
>> SystemResults$EnTime
> [1] 853   906   919   932   945   958   1011  1024  1037  1050  1103
> 1116  1129  1142  1155  1208  1221  1234  1247  1300  (all) 853   906
> 919   932   945   958   1011  1024  1037  1050
> [32] 1103  1116  1129  1142  1155  1208  1221  1234  1247  1300  (all)
> Levels: 853 906 919 932 945 958 1011 1024 1037 1050 1103 1116 1129
> 1142 1155 1208 1221 1234 1247 1300 (all)
>> class(SystemResults$EnTime)
> [1] "factor"

This is the big clue.

>> mode(SystemResults$EnTime)
> [1] "numeric"
>   As a test I tried to print down to the string "(all)" and then
> break but this code and everything I've tried so far is terribly
> wrong. Every attempt prints lots of error messages. I'm not grasping
> at all what I'm doing wrong or what's the right way to do this sort of
> thing. Clearly my first for loop isn't a success!
> for(n in SystemResults$EnTime)  {
> 	if(SystemResults$EnTime[n] == "(all)") break)

Inside the loop, shouldn't you be comparing to "n"?? As you have it  
now, the values of that factor are probably being used as indices to  
itself. (Not good.) Also not good is the use of "break".  It looks to  
be fairly severely deprecated at this point

> 	X = SystemResults$EnTime[n]
> 	print(X)
> }

Another problem is that print() might return the internal integer  
representation of that factor after that assignment. Try something like:

   tf <- factor(c(53 ,  906  , 919  , 932 ,  945 ,  958 ,  1011 ,  
1024 , "(all)") )
  for(n in tf ) {if (n != "(all)")  print(n)
[1] "53"
[1] "906"
[1] "919"
[1] "932"
[1] "945"
[1] "958"
[1] "1011"
[1] "1024"

"The R-ight way might be to use one of the apply functions.)

>   What I hoped to see was
> 853
> 906
> 919
> 932
> 945
> ...
> 1234
> 1247
> 1300
>   My presumption was that I would eventually use X as the input to
> another function that does the work I want to do but this prints so
> much garbage that I'm clearly in the dark.

Why not use "n" if you are going to follow the loopy path.

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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