[R] Compiling R-2.9.1 on Mac OS X 10.4

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Thu Jul 9 20:56:14 CEST 2009

I used to build from source on Mac OS X, but I stopped when I found I 
could do everything I needed to do from the binary on CRAN. That 
includes building my own packages that use fortran, or building the 
one or two CRAN packages that use C code and do not have Mac binaries 
on CRAN.

In addition to which, if you were to install the Mac binary from 
CRAN, there's an optional install of gcc, and that might even be an 
easier way to get a gcc on your machine. You can still build R from 
sources separately, even if you've already installed the binary.

For further help on building from source, I'd suggest asking again on 


At 1:12 PM -0400 7/9/09, Sinha, Raktim, DFCI wrote:
>I am trying to compile R-2.9.1 on Mac OS-X 10.4 using --enable-R-shlib.
>I am not comfortable with Mac/Linux environments and trying to follow the
>instructions from CRAN site to every detail.
>The Mac OS did not have a gcc (gcc -version did not work). So I did the
>## For gcc 4.2 and Fortran 4.2.4 Compilers
>Download gcc-4.2-5566-darwin8-all.tar.gz from
>unpacked using: sudo tar fvxz gcc-4.2-5566-darwin8-all.tar.gz -C /
>Made gcc-4.2 default: sudo link gcc-4.2 gcc
>Made g++-4.2 default: sudo link g++-4.2 g++
>I downloaded the source and tried compiling using:
>./configure --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack --with-ICU \
>        --with-aqua --enable-R-framework --enable-R-shlib
>Got the following error:
>Configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
>I have attached the compile.log file.
>I would really appreciate some help.
>Bioinformatics Engineer
>DFCI, Harvard Med School
>The information in this e-mail is intended only for the...{{dropped:26}}

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