[R] Compiling R-2.9.1 on Mac OS X 10.4

Sinha, Raktim, DFCI Raktim_Sinha at dfci.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 9 19:12:48 CEST 2009



I am trying to compile R-2.9.1 on Mac OS-X 10.4 using --enable-R-shlib.


I am not comfortable with Mac/Linux environments and trying to follow the
instructions from CRAN site to every detail.

The Mac OS did not have a gcc (gcc -version did not work). So I did the


## For gcc 4.2 and Fortran 4.2.4 Compilers

Download gcc-4.2-5566-darwin8-all.tar.gz from

unpacked using: sudo tar fvxz gcc-4.2-5566-darwin8-all.tar.gz -C /

Made gcc-4.2 default: sudo link gcc-4.2 gcc

Made g++-4.2 default: sudo link g++-4.2 g++ 


I downloaded the source and tried compiling using:

./configure --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack --with-ICU \

       --with-aqua --enable-R-framework --enable-R-shlib


Got the following error:

Configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables


I have attached the compile.log file.

I would really appreciate some help.



Bioinformatics Engineer

DFCI, Harvard Med School



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