[R] bootstrapping error message "Error in t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, i[r, ], ...) : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"

Karina Boege kboege at servidor.unam.mx
Wed Jul 8 13:17:54 CEST 2009


I am trying to run some bootstraps with the boot package. When I run 
it with 400 replicates it does it ok, but then I need to run the same 
analysis but with 89, 86, 102 and 106 samples (for four different 
environments), and then is when I get the error message:

 > mybootstrap <- boot(Datos, mystat, 2000)
Error in t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, i[r, ], ...) :  number of 
items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Anyone familiar with this error message?
Does anyone knows the minimum sample size for boot package to run 
properly? Is there anyway to tell R how many samples should it pick 
for the resampling?

If it helps, this is how my model looks like:

mymodel = lm(Datos[,4]~Datos[,1]+ 

mystat <- function(a,b)
f<- lm(a[b,4]~a[b,1]+a[b,8]+ a[b,9]+a[b,10]+a[b,11]+a[b,12])$coef

mybootstrap <- boot(Datos, mystat, 2000)

INT1<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=1)
INT2<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=2)
INT3<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=3)
INT4<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=4)
INT5<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=5)
INT6<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=6)
INT7<-boot.ci(mybootstrap, conf=0.95, type="all", index=7)

Thanks for your help! I am new to bootstraps and to R, and I feel 
pretty lonely with this

Karina Boege

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