[R] Package 'operators'

Romain Francois romain.francois at dbmail.com
Fri Jul 3 08:32:45 CEST 2009

My point is your problem is not entirely related to this package in 
particular but more "should I trust additional R packages", ie should I 
use package cron when R can handle date objects, should I use ggplot 
when i could do it all in grid, ...

operators comes with unit tests that allow me to trust it to work the 
way I want it to work. Please send me additional tests if you want more 


On 07/03/2009 12:57 AM, Seeliger.Curt at epamail.epa.gov wrote:
> Thanks for replying, Francois.
> To directly answer your question, the difference between using base R
> functions and a library comes down to code correctness and stability, as
> well as future support. Portions of the language, whether in base or in
> packages, which have been around a long time, or with many people
> working on them, have had more time to be tested.
> Your question is, in some ways, my own. Stated in the reverse, why
> should I use a package that allows me write *differently*, but not
> necessarily *clearer*? I'm posing my question to the larger and more
> experienced audience in the hopes that someone will enlighten me.
> It's entirely possible that program clarity is dependent upon the native
> spoken language -- the use of the %but% operator may allow R phrases
> that feel much more natural to others than it does to my native English
> noggin. There may be other reasons why this package is totally
> indispensable. I don't know, but I bet others here do.
> cur
> Romain Francois <romain.francois at dbmail.com> wrote on 07/02/2009
> 02:39:25 PM:
>  > How is this different to dependency on regular functions ?
>  >
>  > On 07/02/2009 10:29 PM, Seeliger.Curt at epamail.epa.gov wrote:
>  > > Folks,
>  > >
>  > > In brief -- how many of you have found the 'operators' package to be
>  > > valuable in their work?
>  > >
> --
> Curt Seeliger, Data Ranger
> Raytheon Information Services - Contractor to ORD
> seeliger.curt at epa.gov
> 541/754-4638

Romain Francois
Independent R Consultant
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