[R] Plot Fonts in Windows vs Mac OSX

Sean Carmody seancarmody at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 02:11:25 CEST 2009

I have been plotting the same charts using png on a Windows machine
and on a Mac OSX and the quality of the resulting images, particularly
in relation to the fonts, look far superior in the plots produced on
the Mac. Is there any way I can enhance the quality of the plots
produced on the Windows machine? I have also tried using win.metafile
on the Windows machine and the quality looks the same as the png. The
obvious solution would be to just use the Mac, but that's not an
option in the office!

I have been searching the archives on this topic to no avail (although
I can vouch for the perspicacity of my choice of search terms), so any
help would be greatly appreciated!

Sean Carmody

The Stubborn Mule

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