[R] skip the error to continue the logistic regression in a loop

Suyan Tian stian at mail.rockefeller.edu
Thu Jul 2 20:48:47 CEST 2009

Hi, everyone:

I am running logistic regression on a bunch of variables using apply  
command. But an error occurs, the whole process stops. I am wondering  
if anyone knows how to skip this error  and to continue the  
regression for the rest of variable.

What I did is that first confine a function to the logistic  
regression, then use

apply(data, 2, reg.fun)

Then I got an error which is

[1] "The result of logistic regression:"
Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") :
   contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels

Can anyone help me out? Thanks a lot.


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