[R] From xtabs to matrix

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Jul 2 13:09:47 CEST 2009

glaporta wrote:
> Hi list,
> is it possible convert the xtabs result 
> xtabs(breaks~tension+wool,data=warpbreaks)
>        wool
> tension   A   B
>       L 401 254
>       M 216 259
>       H 221 169
> to a simple matrix?
>            A   B
>       L 401 254
>       M 216 259
>       H 221 169

In principle it already is a matrix that is declared to be of some class 
and has a call attribute. If you cannot use it as a matrix somehwre, 
which I can as in

  temp <- xtabs(breaks ~ tension + wool, data = warpbreaks)
  t(temp) %*% temp

one way to remove the additional attributed is to say

attr(temp, "class") <- NULL
attr(temp, "call") <- NULL

for example.

Uwe Ligges

> Thanks a lot! Gianandrea

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