[R] paste together object names to pass it on to a function
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Jan 30 19:54:57 CET 2009
Perhaps this will help:
#Data Example
gnuff$LUNG$LE <-55
#This is the list, where I collect data for different diseases at the
#second level of the list
#Now I want to do calcualtions just for these two diseases and the
#sub-list "LE" within these diseases
nam <- c("LUNG","IHD")
for(i in nam) print(gnuff[[i]]) # use the elements of nam as the
index values
# the lack of output from an evaluation done within the for-loop might
be one of Burns' Infernal examples.
# here's see one of my "mistakes": for(i in nam) (gnuff[[i]])
#---returns a list---
#[1] 55
#[1] 66
for(i in nam) print(gnuff[[i]]$LE) #use list extraction to get the
#[1] 55
#[1] 66
On Jan 30, 2009, at 12:06 PM, stefan.duke at gmail.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a maybe trivial question, but I simply don't understand well
> enought how to work with text/strings:
> I have a rather compelx data structure, a big list with several
> sub-lists/dataframes and for certain calculations (which I do in
> loops), I only need a certain group of sub-lists/dataframes, which I
> want to specify with a name vector and paste together the object name
> and pass it on to a function.
> Here an (hopefully) instructive example
> #Data Example
> gnuff<-list()
> gnuff$IHD$LE<-66
> gnuff$LUNG$LE <-55
> #This is the list, where I collect data for different diseases at the
> second level of the list
> #Now I want to do calcualtions just for these two diseases and the
> sub-list "LE" within these diseases
> nam <- c("LUNG","IHD")
> for(i in 1:2)
> x[i] <- paste("gnuff",nam[i],"LE",sep="$") /2
> x
> #So I try to paste the name of the object which I mean
> (gnuff$IHD$LEand gnuff$LUNG$LE, respectivly), but R treats them as a
> string and not as the name of an object.
> # I tried seveal commands to make it treat like an object name (the
> get() looked most promising), but so far to no avail
> #commands I have tried
> j <- eval(paste("gnuff",nam[i],"LE",sep="$"))
> parse(paste("gnuff",nam[i],sep="$"))
> quote(paste("gnuff",nam[i],sep="$"))
> get(paste("gnuff",nam[i],sep="$"))
> Anybody any hints where to look?
> Thanks and have a great weekend!
> Best,
> Stefan
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